Jet Commercial
Total Pollution Control for Any Facility Built Beyond Sewer Lines. Jet’s Package Wastewater Treatment Plants have made it possible for motels, shopping centers and service stations to be constructed along interstate highways far from any town. With a Jet Package Plant: Subdivisions can be developed miles beyond sewer lines; factories can be erected in rural areas; and people can live and work in isolated areas in places such as Guam and Peru as well as in the world’s deserts, deep valleys and mountain ranges. Ours are time-tested and custom designed plants that treat wastewater through the performance-proven aerobic digestion process that enables microscopic living organisms to transform wastewater into a clear, odorless liquid. We recommend using BIO JET-7® and JET-CHLOR® for environmentally safe odor free discharge.
More interesting facts
Corrosion-free, reinforced concrete tank for durability
Great for new property development or for upgrading or replacing an existing system Modular construction supports a broad range of plant sizes and phased commercial or residential developments A range of options are available to meet specific site requirements Designs that support 1,500 – 100,000 gallons per day in capacity at various loading levels
Patented AIR-SEAL Diffuser® saves time and money by reducing maintenance costs and improving plant efficiency
Proven performance from a time-tested Extended Aeration Process 24/7 Technical Support with Plant Start-up and Operator Training Available Expert Plant Design & Engineering Assistance Available. Call for a custom quote based on your site specific requirements.